Saturday, August 1, 2015

Mercury—The Smallest Planet in the Solar System

Named after the Roman God Mercury, son of Maia and Jupiter, the messenger of the gods and the god of travelers, is a planet 35,980,000 miles (57,900,000 km) away from the sun. It is the smallest and the hottest planet in our Solar System with the equatorial diameter of 3,030 miles (4,878 km) and surface temperatures of -300°F (-183°C) to 800°F (427°C).

Mercury is one of the four terrestrial planets in the Solar System. It is so small that it is smaller than the largest natural satellites Ganymede, the largest moon of Jupiter, and Titan, the largest moon of Saturn. Mercury consists of approximately 70% metallic and 30% silicate material. Mercury's surface is like the moon'sdeep craters and mare-like plains.

Did you know that days are longer than years in Mercury? One Mercurian day is equivalent to 176 Earth days and one Mercurian year is equivalent to 88 Earth days. It's because Mercury is so close the sun that it's orbit is so small. Mercury also have zero known moons.

For more info:

I hope you learned something today. Have an awesome day, and stay cool!

- Michelle


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