Thursday, July 30, 2015

Unfriended Movie Review

Okay, I have one word for this: disappointing.

When I saw the trailer of this movie, I was really hyped. I wanted to watch it so bad. I really waited for a site to upload an HD version of it, until bam! Yesterday it was released on this site. I was so excited when I saw that it's not a cam copy. So I clicked and waited for it to buffer.

When I played it, I was disappointed. It was a big "meh". I lost interest but kept on watching it. The trailer was great. but the actual movie isn't. It's really, really boring. I won't even consider it as a horror, or thriller.

If you're going to watch it, trust me, it's going to disappoint you, big time,

You can watch it here:

Have an awesome day, and stay cool!

- Michelle


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