Friday, July 31, 2015

Why Should You Care About What Other People Think?

"Screw what other people think, I know myself, they don't have the right to judge me." - Every teenager ever.

It is very popular for teenagers to "not give a crap" about what others think. And I won't lie, I used to think that way too. But as I grow up, I realized, it was wrong. It is a part of life. Everyday, you cared about what other people think about you. (and you don't even notice it) For example, your crush. You will do something cool so that your crush would think you're awesome. Your parents. You will act like you are studying so they would think that you are actually studying.. when you're not.. and you never did. Your boss. You will do good on your work so your boss would think that you are amazing at work and you deserve a promotion. Your teacher. You will look at the board as if you're listening when you're actually not so he/she would think that you are attentive. Simple examples on how we care about what others think, everyday.

This is how life works. Just like a restaurant company who asks for feedbacks for customers so they could improve their service.Same goes with people. We accept and listen to other other people's opinions so we could improve ourself. So yes, we should always care about what others think about us. It helps us mature and grow up. (not physically, of course)

Hope you learned something. Have an awesome day, and stay cool!

- Michelle

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